Purpose: Explore 1D and 2D arrays, how to define, initialize and pass.
Effort: You can work on your own or collaborate with others. If you collaborate with others,
each person will submit their own answers. This means you work together but each person is
doing each part on their computer and writing in their own words. Write your own code but
you can discuss approaches and problems after you have written the code. Do not use
someone else's code as yours.
20 (see rubric in canvas)
Deliverables: Upload this document with your answers and your
GE04RenterSurveyLastName.c file. Do not upload a zip file.
I encourage collaboration on Guided Explorations. If you are not understanding some of the
concepts please look at my office hours so I can support you. Discussing concepts to
understand them better is an important skill.
If you collaborated with others include name(s):
Part 1: Explore Code
Explore book code fig06_11 from your repository. Answer the questions and update the code.
Commit and push your code using GitHub desktop when you finish.
Explain as if you are teaching someone.
verb (used with object)
1 to make plain or clear; render understandable or intelligible:
to explain an obscure point.
2 to make known in detail:
to explain how to do something.
Fig: 1