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Part 1: Creating a Simple Dashboard with Bokeh


For the US Census Income dataset, create a dashboard that shows:

• Age Distribution

Marital status Distribution

Working Class Distribution

• Education Distribution

Your Dashboard Should:

1. Use Bokeh Library with Layouts.

2. Select proper color, opacity and width for the bar charts.

3. Space the four figures evenly on the html page.

4. Maximize Data-Ink Ratio for each plot./nPART 2 - Need to use Tableau for below

In this set of activities, we will see how calculated fields can be used to perform simple

data processing, mainly for data slicing & dicing for visualization purposes.

All activities are done on the US Census Income DatasetLinks to an external site..

Activity 1: Visualizing Income by Age Group

We want to create a visualization to show the income within different age groups. The

age groups are defined as follows:

People younger than 20 years

People in their 20's

People in their 30's

People in their 40's

People in their 50's

People older than 60 years.

To create these age groups in tableau, we will create a calculated field. The final

visualization should look like this:/nActivity 2: Summarizing Marital Statuses

The US Census dataset contains a categorical attribute: marital status that can take one

of these values:

• Married-civ-spouse,






• Married-AF-spouse.

There are three different types of married statuses. We would like to create one married

category for the three types. Essentially, we want to summarize the marital status

attribute into these categories:

• Never Married

• Married


Widowed/nPart 3: Creating Interactive Dashboards using

Parameters & Calculated Fields

Part 3: Guidelines:

For each problem below, submit the following:

A brief explanation of what you did.

Screenshots of any parameters and/or calculated fields that you have

created, showing the actual code for the calculated fields.

• The final dashboard with maximized data ink ratio:

o Text/values on top of marks

o No unnecessary axes


No repeated axis labels


No repeated axis values

Problem 1: Using a Parameter to Create a Top-N


Suppose that you have a bar chart that contains many bars. You would like to allow the

user to have the option of showing the top-n bars only, for some value n that the user

specifies. This will make the dashboard interactive, meaning that the user can change

what is displayed.

In this activity we will show how parameters can be used to create a top-N filter and add

interactivity to a dashboard.

Create a Top-N Filter for a bar chart

For the U.S. Census Income datasetLinks to an external site., create a visualization for

the different countries of origin, excluding the U.S.. Then create a top-n filter that allows

the user to select the number of countries they want to show, starting with the country/nActivity 4: Using a Parameter to Filter Multiple


The World Population dataset file shows the population of different countries and

regions of the world over multiple years.

In this lab, you will create a dashboard that compares the populations of the different

regions for the years 2011 vs 2020.

You will create a dashboard that contains two visualizations, one for each year.

The dashboard should contain a control that allows the user to filter the views to show

the numbers for a certain country.

The dashboard should also allow the user to show the complete data for all countries.

Follow these steps:

1. Download the dataset file.

2. Open the dataset file in tableau.

3. Create a new sheet. Name it "2011". Create a bar chart that shows the

populations for the different countries in 2011.

4. Create a new sheet. Name it "2020". Create a bar chart that shows the

populations for the different countries in 2020.

5. Create a parameter "Country" as a string and load it with the country values

from the data source.

6. Make sure to show the parameter control by right clicking on the parameter

and selecting that option.

7. For the "2011" sheet, create a filter that filters the view based on the "Country"


8. Repeat the same and create a filter for the "2020" sheet.

9. Create a new dashboard.

10. Drag both sheets into the dashboard.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5