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2. Explain what is significant with her lab results using the ABG normal values and the nursing mnemonic ROME which was also referenced in week #2 of this course.

The hypophysectomized rat had its pituitary gland surgically removed. Which hormone(s) is it unable to produce?

2. Using the following chart data, explain the relationship between glucose concentration (um) and ph. Hint = (y=2.0x+5) a. Provide values for the concentration of glucose b. What do these values suggest about the effect of ph on enzyme activity c. What do these values suggest is the optimum ph for this particular enzyme d. The equation of your line, results in a r^2 of .82, what is the significance of this value

What was the effect of propylthiouracil (PTU) injections on the normal rat's BMR? Why did this rat develop a palpable goiter?

What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the hypophysectomized rat's BMR? How does the BMR in this case compare with the normal rat's BMR? Was the dose of thyroxine in the syringe too large, too small, or just right?

What cell type must be replaced or regenerated to restore vision in patients with retinitis pigmentosa?

Red blood cells (RBCs) contain 0.9% NaCl and no urea in the intracellular fluid (ICF). Assuming the cell membrane of RBCs are impermeable to NaCl and permeable tour ea, predict what would happen if the extracellular fluid (ECF) contained 18.0% urea. What term describes the osmolarity of the cell? What term describes the tonicity of the solution?

Use the results of the PhysioEx experiment on Simulating Osmotic Pressure to answer the following question: The 20 MWCO dialysis membrane was not permeable to NaCl. What effect did adding NaCl to the left beaker have on diffusion and osmosis? Why did this occur?

9. John has just been diagnosed with a fictitious disease, designated FAKEAF-1. This disease is exhibited by John, his mother, his sister and maternal grandmother. Provide an explanation for how this disease was inherited.

Read chapter 3 Musculoskeletal Conditions. Answer study guide questions but not for submission yet. .Posture Assignment 1) Read chapter 3 "Musculoskeletal Conditions and Disorders" Answer and submit the study questions at the end of the chapter. 2) Be sure to view the video's in the "Course Material" section on posture PRIOR to doing your assignment. 3) Do a Posture analysis on a person. Have the subject dress in shorts and a tight fitted sport top. ( no baggy shirts). Take 3 clear photo's with the subject in front of a door or non busy background. Facing Forward (Palms Forward), Facing Sideway's. Facing Backwards. Analyze the posture (5 pts) and prescribe 3 exercisers (5 pts) that can be done at home to correct any deviations or done to maintain good posture.. Write the program in grid form. Submit the photo's, observations and program on Blackboard.

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