estimate the following mechanical properties of a glass-fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP)
lamina with fiber volume fraction of Vr= 50%. The elastic and failure properties of glass
fiber and epoxy matrix are given below:
Glass fiber (isotropic elastic): Ef=70 GPa; vf=0.3; of 1.4 GPa;
Epoxy (isotropic elastic): Em = 2 GPa; Vm = 0.3; om = 60 MPa (tensile strength); tm = 35
MPa (shear strength)
1) The elastic/stiffness properties need to be determined are: E1; E2; V12; G12
2) The strength properties need to be estimated are: Xt; Xc; Y₁; Ye; S
3) estimate the critical fiber volume fraction that has fiber strengthening effect.
4) Estimate the minimum fiber volume fraction that matrix can bridge a localized broken
Fig: 1