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(Q1) y4m files:

What is a y4m file and how do they differ from yuv files?

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Image Processing

A hypothetical client working for a technology company demands a new design for their new products. As a designer you are supposed to take the responsibility for this design assignment starting from the initial problem statement presented by the client as follows; "The new design that you created for a unit photosensitive pixel structure in order to perform colored imaging through CMOS imaging sensor arrays worked successfully. On the other hand, the quantum efficiency values of the pixels should be improved in order for a CMOS image sensor, which is manufactured depending on this new design, to be integrated into smart phones. For this purpose, the light collection efficiency and the photon absorption efficiency of the Si photodiodes should be improved enough for a high-quality imaging results even while the pixel sizes shrink. Some portion of the light cannot reach the pho to diode due to reflection from the surface and scattering from the metal lines surrounding the photodiode surface, which are formed during CMOS manufacturing steps. Due to the low absorption coefficient and indirect band gap of Si as a semiconductor, the photodiodes should be manufactured from a different semiconductor material having a direct band gap and high absorption coefficient in order to reach our goal. The material choice of the photodiodes and deposition methods should be compatible with the common CMOS manufacturing process. Under these circumstances, our company expects an highly efficient pixel design for our new CMOS imaging sensor chip performing colored imaging in the visible range of the light spectrum, preferably with decreased pixel size." Perform necessary literature review including scientific papers, whitepapers,leading companies' products information, etc. b) Acquire enough information for increasing the quantum efficiency of pixels of CMOS imager sensor arrays (strategies, manufacturing process steps, materials for reducing reflection and for increasing efficiency). c) At this stage you are not supposed to design a unit cell for such a purpose, literally. On the other hand, find and inspect the current design solutions for increased efficiency pixels,select one of them and assume that this will be your chosen detailed design. d) Prepare a brief summary of your research study discussing the design principles and solutions for the new topic including the references that you will benefit. e) Make necessary revision process in order to construct your Revised Problem Statement bytaking elimination of errors, biases, and implied solutions into account. Discuss your workin enough detail. You should convince your customer for not to change the semiconductormaterial for the new photodiodes (insist on Si photodiodes by giving a convincingexplanation about the well-established CMOS manufacturing process). f) Determine the technical issues upon which a communication process should be conducted with the client. g) Prepare the lists of objectives, constraints, functions, and means. h) Prepare the objective tree. i) Communicate your design through a technical drawing of your unit pixel desig n.(Preferably prepared by a technical drawing software but rough sketches will also beассepted)

Can use MATLAB or Python 1) Implement bit plane coding and design a GUI for real time progressive transmission demonstration. 2) Implement Burt-Adelson's pyramid method using Gaussian windows and design a GUI for real time progressive transmission demonstration. Also give explanation how each of the question is done. Please note that your GUI demonstration must be included as a package so that they can be run on a computer for grade evaluation.

(Q3) Encode each of these videos at the following target bitrates using MPEG-2 and H264: Bitrate Input bitrate BR1 5000 - BRO BR2 4000 - BRO BR3 3000 - BRO BR4 2000 - BRO BR5 1000 - BRO BRO (Bitrate Offset) = ceil (Last 3 digit (Z#)/2) For instance, if Z123456789, BRO-ceil (789/2); if Z234564013, BRO = ceil (013/2). For each video, complete the following table with actual bitrate achieved, corresponding Y PSNR and encoding time collected from the output of the ffmpeg encoding process. Record data in one table for each of the five videos. Video Name: Sunflower BR1 BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5 Bitrate achieved (MPEG 2) PSNR (MPEG 2) Encoding Time (MPEG 2) Bitrate achieved (H264) PSNR (H264) Encoding Time (H264)

(Q4) Quality Analysis: Download VLC player, play the original y4m followed by the five compressed variants for each video. Describe your observations about the content and quality when playing in a full scre mode. Repeat playback in a window about 1/4 of your screen and describe your observations. screen

(Q5) RD Analysis: Compare the encoding performance on the five different videos using two different codecs i.e., mpeg-2 and h264. Plot bitrate on the x-axis and PSNR on the y-axis. Show two curves for two codecs and one plot per video. Explain the results. P:S: Please provide relevant screenshots.

(Q4) Quality Analysis: Download VLC player, play the original y4m followed by the five compressed variants for each video. Describe your observations about the content and quality when playing in a full screen mode. Repeat playback in a window about 1/4 of your screen and describe your observations.

(Q5) RD Analysis: Compare the encoding performance on the five different videos using two different codecs i.e., mpeg-2 and h264. Plot bitrate on the x-axis and PSNR on the y-axis. Show two curves for two codecs and one plot per video. Explain the results. P:S: Please provide relevant screenshots.

Task1 Update the above Scanner Control Code A (a) What should be the arguments for the below functions, Select_OneVoxel() and Acquire_Signal_OnePoint()? (b) Based on your answer to 1(a), what other pieces of code (well lines...) should you add to complete the code so that all arguments are known (and passed) to the functions? Let's call the updated code as Scanner Control Code B Task 2 Modify the updated Scanner Control Code B (from Task 1), to scan a 3D using the line-scan. To perform Tasks 3 and 4, refer to the text starting below on page 3 of this document. Task 3 Modify Control Code B to collect a YZ slice. Hint: Consider the assignment of indices in the table on page 3. For this particular algorithm, how do you determine where is the slice? Task 4 Assume you want to collect a multislice set that is composed of 3 slices on XY that are parallel to XY and along axis Z (Figure 3). Re-write algorithm 2 to perform this task.

Prediction model 2: average of two previous pixels. QP: {2, 4, 2. Draw the flowcharts of the process. 3. Plot line graph for the predictive models (x-axis: QP, y-axis: SAD).

Exercise 3: (1) Research Matlab commands, affine2d, imwarp, imrotate, imtranslate, imresize. (2) Read the image, cameraman.tif. Scale the image in the following different ways. (a) 2 times of x, 2 times of y. Here x is the horizontal direction (columns), y is the vertical direction (rows); (b) 2 times of x, 0.5 times of y: (c) 0.5 times of x. 1 time of y. (3) Read the image, cameraman.tif. Rotate the image in 60°, -60°. Compare different interpolation methods. (4) Read the image, cameraman.tif. Translate the image to [10 20], [-20 50], [20, -30]. (5) Read the image, cameraman.tif. Choose your own values to create vertical and horizontal shear effect.