leaning forward while eating. Fill-in your answers to the questions in the table that are related to the scenario
in the picture. (10 Points)
For this section, consider the man in the picture (4 points):
1. What motions are required at each of
the following joints for this man to be
able to lean forward? (2 points)
2. Name one muscle that could be
strengthened so this segment can move
in the intended direction. (2 points)
Thoracic & Lumbar
For this section, consider the woman compared to the man (4 points):
3. How are the woman's cervical
vertebrae moving in a different motion
than the man? In other words, what does
she do with her neck while leaning
forward to eat that the man does not?
(you may want to experiment recreating
the motions yourself) (2 points)
4. What motion is different between the
woman's thoracic spine position and the
man's? (2 points)
Hip Joint
Man's/nSection II:
Consider the picture of the young girl using scissors. Answer the questions in the table,
associated with the joints and muscles involved in this activity. Limit your analysis to the
closing phase of scissor use rather than the opening phase. (15 points)
1. Name the
motion being
used. (4 points)
2. Name one
contributing to
the motion above
(4 points)
3. Name the main
nerve that
innervates each
of your chosen
muscles (4 points)
Right Wrist Joint
Right Finger MCP
Right Finger PIP
Right Thumb CMC
& MCP Joints