
business organisation and management homework help

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Recently Asked business organisation and management Questions

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  • Q1:Essay topic choices: You have a choice of two (2) essay topics, from which you choose one (1) to respond to. The two options are outlined below:See Answer
  • Q2:Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to apply the course knowledge and concepts of organizational behavior to an assigned case study. Students will explore the case and organizational behavior concepts by answering critical thinking questions and by preparing a report of their findings.See Answer
  • Q3:Students must write a report linking the concepts learned during the simulation back to the lessons discussed in the Lean Startup and discuss your top lessons learned during the simulation. 1) You are expected to link back to at least 3 concepts from the Lean Startup. For each, you must discuss the concept in detail, to demonstrate your understanding. You must then explain how it is portrayed through the simulation. 2) You are expected to discuss your top 3 lessons learned in the simulation, and how you believe they will apply in your future career. See Answer
  • Q4:NEED TO DO THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL ANSWERING ALL THE QUESTIONS IN 1.5 PAGES. ALSO INCLUDE THE ANWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS ON TOP: 5 reasons why academic research is important - listed and 1 sentence for each....it's supposed to be at the top 5 reasons why academic research is important - listed and 1 sentence for each See Answer
  • Q5:Unit 9 Summary Journal Entry By the end of this unit you need to reflect on the learning experience in the overall module and how you will be able to apply it to your personal and/or professional life.See Answer
  • Q6:you can pick any company for networking engineering which is based in USA See Answer
  • Q7:I am returning this touchstone to you as it does not meet the basic requirements for all Rubric categories. You have treated your presentation as if it is an essay/paper spread over multiple pages, this is contrary to the instructions and standard professional use of PowerPoint and makes it very difficult for your audience to follow your slide and speech. Each page should have a few minimal bullets that guide your talk with the bulk of your speaking words in the speaker notes. Please review the touchstone instructions, checklists, rubric, and sample touchstone if provided. Please resubmit at your earliest convenience, so we can move forward with the grading process.See Answer
  • Q8:BUSINESS ANALYSIS Business Problem/Opportunity The OEM Corporation is growing quickly and in need of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The CRM system includes software, hardware, and processes to enable the organization to better understand and manage their existing and potential new customers. Project Scope/Objective In Scope: Out of Scope:See Answer
  • Q9:Question 1. In your own words, explain the role of Customer Segmentation Analytics; what kind of business questions it can help you answer, how it can be used and what the key challenges are? (Guidance: aim at no more than 400 words in your answer) Answer:See Answer
  • Q10:Question 2. GDPR defines the Data Protection Officer role. In your own words, describe what this role is about. Make sure you discuss most the important responsibilities, who can be appointed DPO, and when a company must appoint a DPO. (Guidance: aim at no more than 400 words in your answer) Answer: The data protection officer is the person who is responsible of overseeing a company's data gathering and storage practices.See Answer
  • Q11:Question 4. Customer acquisition analytics and customer churn analytics go hand in hand. Explain what is meant by each and why this is important. Give examples. (Guidance: aim at no more than 400 words in your answer) See Answer
  • Q12:Question 4. Customer acquisition analytics and customer churn analytics go hand in hand. Explain what is meant by each and why this is important. Give examples. (Guidance: aim at no more than 400 words in your answer) See Answer
  • Q13: Assessment Brief Module name: Managing Service Quality Module code: 6H0522 Trimester: 3/Summer - 2021/22 See Answer
  • Q14:Question 1 Define and explain Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Relate the hierarchy to the field of business and provide examples.See Answer
  • Q15:1. critical analysis of this case study for organization structure assignment See Answer
  • Q16:Describe succinctly what the opportunity is and make a compelling case for your business including these points: Why have you chosen the entry point to start your venture? What is a compelling need for your product/service? Is a real problem being solved? What indicates you will be able to compete successfully in the industry? See Answer
  • Q17:Q1. Collabrys - Looking Forward Which of the two options mentioned on "page 14" should the company take in 2002, or are there other strategic choices they could be thinking about? Explain. Q2. Collabrys - as a new business start-up Overall, what is your assessment of Collabrys as a new business start-up? Explain. Q3. Bigger picture of new venture start-ups Any general ideas about what kind of things might make a good start-up and why? Suggest criteria that you would you use to evaluate merits of this (or any) start-up?See Answer
  • Q18:Q1. What were the circumstances surrounding the creation of this enterprise in 1999, what was the core business idea and who were key stakeholders? Q2. QUESTION: Why do you think the venture capital (VC) investors mentioned on "page 2" of the case decided to invest into this enterprise, and what do you think may have been their goals and timetable to reach these goals? Q3. For the founding managers of Collabrys, what do you think the statement means (page 2, bottom): "Their basic strategy remained to transform marketing by helping businesses create and deepen their customer relationships...* QUESTION: What was the basic idea about the opportunity presented? Q4. QUESTION: Did the company/VC learn from experimenting in new directions: Has Collabrys developed any core competencies from these business efforts and do they have a clear value proposition (benefit/solution) for a potential target market? Q5. QUESTION: How much cash does the company have left at the case study time in May 2002, and how much money have they spent since start-up 1999? Where has the cash come from, customer sales/profits or investor money? Q6. Evaluate CEO's Wayne's performance through May 2002: What was he like as a CEO (What are CEO's supposed to do in this situation?) What do you think were his key strengths/weak points as a CEO for a new business start-up?See Answer
  • Q19:Question 1. https://www.pbs.org/video/point-taken-american-dream-dead-or-alive/ Do you think the American Dream is dead or alive? Why or why not? You can wrestle with this question using answers or ideas you got from the PBS show Point Taken, but you can also include ideas from your own experiences, observations, or previous studies. What are some additional questions you would need answered in order to thoroughly decide whether the American Dream is dead or alive? In other words, what else do you need to know in order to answer the original question?See Answer
  • Q20:Question 2 https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/drinking-raw-milk#claimed-benefits Suppose your question for your Exploratory Essay is the following: "Is raw milk safe to drink?" Raw milk is milk that has not been pasteurized. Some people believe there are many health benefits to drinking this unpasteurized milk. However, many health experts advise against it. Evaluate the following article: "Raw Milk: Do Its Benefits Outweigh the Dangers?" Could you include information from this source as evidence in a research essay? Why or why not? Explain. If you're not sure, explain that too.See Answer

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