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  • Q1:A All data need to be processed in training the SVM B.SVM is a linear classifier OC. All data need to be processed in testing of SVM OD. All data contribute to the optimal solution of SVMSee Answer
  • Q2:QUESTION 5 For a 2-D hyperplane with parameter w=(1, 2) and bias w_0=3. What is the absolute value of the geometric margin for point x=(10, -5)? (Round the answer to two decimal places)See Answer
  • Q3: Assignment 7: Exploring 3D Sinusoidal Data using Artificial Neural Networks DTSC 680: Applied Machine Learning Name: Directions and Overview The main purpose of this assignment is for you to gain experience using artificial neural networks to solve simple regression problems. In this assignment, you will fit a neural network to a noisy 3D sinusoidal data set. You will use a Sequential model that can be trained very quickly on the supplied data, so I want you to manually adjust hyperparameter values and observe their influence on the model's predictions. That is, you should manually sweep the hyperparameter space and try to hone in on the reasonable hyperparameter values, again, manually. (Yep, that means guess-and-check: pick some values, train the model, observe the prediction curve, repeat.) So, play around and build some models. When you are done playing with hyperparameter values, you should finish by building an ANN that models the data reasonably well! You should be able to train a model and use it to predict a curve at least as good as mine, but your goal should be to obtain a smoother and less erratic curve. (Side Note: Achieving a less erratic prediction curve could be done either by building a better model, OR by sorting the data more intelligently thereby plotting a prediction curve that looks better. I propose the ideal line is created by sorting the data in such a way that the resulting line minimizes the arc length of the curve. You don't need to worry about any of this, however you do need to generate a figure with a descent-looking prediction curve superimposed on the data.)See Answer
  • Q4:An alternative extra credit opportunity is to read the paper: Code Code Evolution: Understanding How People Change Data Science Notebooks Over TimeSee Answer
  • Q5:Assignment 2: Exploring Tree-Based Regression Methods for 2D Linear DataSee Answer
  • Q6: Create the following matrix by typing one command. Do not type individual elements explicitly.Q5 = Paragraph Arial 14рхSee Answer
  • Q7: Q 2.Consider the following Hotel, Room, Booking and Guest schemas in a DBMS. The hotel Nois the primary key for Hotel table and room No is the primary key for the Room relation. Booking stores the details of room reservations and booking No is the primary key. Guest stores the guests' details and guest No is the primary key.CLO3 Hotel(hotelNo, hotelName, hotelType, hotelAddress, hotelCity, numRoom) Room(roomNo, hotelNo, roomPrice) Booking (bookingNo, hotelNo, guestNo, checkIn, checkOut, totalGuest, roomNo) Guest(guestNo, firstName, lastName, guestAddress) (a) Write the SOL to list full details of all the hotels (b) Write the SQL to list full details of all the hotels in New York. (c) Write the SQL to list the guests in New York in descending order by last name.See Answer
  • Q8: When you place is the 'select a component windowa automatically reappears. Now select" GROUND' and place this in the middle of the page slightly below the middle.See Answer
  • Q9: The 'Select a Component window will open: The component database contains a large number of components. These are divided into groups and families. By default, al groups are shown in the left-hand list. Scroll down this list to Power Sources' and select 'DC_POWER'.See Answer
  • Q10: Click "OK' and place thison the page in the middle to the left.See Answer
  • Q11: We are now in a position to wire-up the circuit. Connect the positive end of the power supply to switch S1.See Answer
  • Q12: Use "Print Screen to grab an image of the circuit, save this as an image file and upload to Moodle.See Answer
  • Q13: Now select the "Lamp' family in the left-hand boxand select 12V_10W'. Click "OK' and place this to the right of the centre level with the power supply. See Answer
  • Q14: Make a folder on your computer to save all the simulations you do on this module and save this with an appropriate name.See Answer
  • Q15: Under the two switches you will notice issays Key=Space', this is the key which will closethe switch during interactive simub tion We don't want both to change together so we need to change the key on one switch Right-click on switch "SZ a nd select "Properties which is at the bottom of the drop-down menu.See Answer
  • Q16: Select the Value' taband then in the "Key to Change' drop-down box select A'. See Answer
  • Q17: Finally connect this wire to ground. Your circuit should look like this: Note that I have z0omed in a couple of times using the scroll wheel on the mouse to makethe circuit nice and arge. When you connect the circuit up make sure the wiring is neat just as you should when connecting an actual circuit.See Answer
  • Q18: 2. To fully test this circuit, you should test all four combinations of open and close the switches. In the table on Moodle record which combinations cause the bulb to light.See Answer
  • Q19: Finally, scroll down the family list again to the "Switch' family. Note that there is also a switches family which is different In the switch family, select 'SPST' which stands for single pole single throw switch. You need to place two of these to the top of the circuit, next to each other.See Answer
  • Q20: You have now placed al the components needed, so click "Close' and you should have a screen which looks like this: We now need to do some tidying up and connect the components together. See Answer

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