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  • Q1: Writing Assignment Italian Film 1. Consider both Roma città aperta and Ladri di biciclette. Compare and contrast the two films based on the tenets of neorealism that appear in both. Use specific scenes to support your argument. Bicycle Thieves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVw2ctnL22M Rome, Open City (1945) | Roberto Rossellini https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMTbTcOJZ00See Answer
  • Q2: Writing Assignment Italian Film 1. Consider the role of religion/spirituality in both Rossellini's and De Sica's films. How are they portrayed on the screen? Are they represented similarly or not? Use specific scenes to support your argument.See Answer
  • Q3:Written Assignment Discussion 6 1. Based on Celli's chapter, why were the 70s referred to as gli anni di piombo (the years of lead)? Given what we've studied about the social/political/cultural movements in Italy up until now, are you surprised by this phenomenon?See Answer
  • Q4:2. Last week we talked about how during the years of the Economic Boom, most people still preferred watching films in a theater over television. Does that remain the same during the years described in this chapter or not? What may or may not have caused a shift?See Answer
  • Q5:3. What is the biggest shift in films from the first part of the decade (1970-1974) to the second half (1975-1979)? Why do you think this is?See Answer
  • Q6:4. How does Ettore Scola engage with the tenets of Neorealism that we've studied, all the while creating a film with elements we have not yet seen? What do you think is the message of this film?See Answer
  • Q7:Course Name Project Title Section Student Name This assessment will assess the following Learning outcome/s: CLO2: Explain the critical process of communication and basic theoretical concepts of media literacy to illustrate how messages create meaning in text, images and sound. CLO3: Apply media literacy skills to analyze various forms of media and usage to local media situations based on perceptual indicators. CLO4: Analyze mass media's interrelationship on the use of technology and production processes in formulating media messages COM 1153 Media Literacy AS_Written Assessment Declaration: Individual • No part of this assignment has been copied from another source, (not from another group or student, an internet source or a book) When another person's words are used, this is shown in the text with "..." and referenced. No part of this assignment has been written for me by any other person. • I have a copy of this assignment that I can produce if the first copy is lost or damaged. Name: Received By:. Signature: N.B. The marker may choose not to mark this assignment if the above declaration is not signed. If the declaration is found to be false, appropriate action will be taken. Plagiarism is copying and handing in someone's work as your own. Any student found guilty of this type of cheating will be dismissed from the college. Date:See Answer
  • Q8:Assessment 3 Case Study: Toll Group and the Second Step ProgramSee Answer
  • Q9: Question 5. What Section of the Act allows the Board to discipline a license holder? A) $1001.4525 B) $1001.203 C) $1001.405 DIS100t 407 E) $1001.451 Q.5 - (E) 1001.451See Answer
  • Q10: Based on everything you have learned so far, what is an acceptable risk? How does the professional recognize an acceptable amount of risk? Try to give the most accurate and detailed explanation possible.See Answer
  • Q11: What is the Democratic Dilemma? What can engineers do to help resolve thedilemma in practice? How does the problem become apparent when we look at issues like global warming, 5G, nuclear power, vaccines, or wearing masks in a pandemic?See Answer
  • Q12: When it comes to risk assessment, engineers can draw on both a utilitarianapproach and a capabilities approach. What does each approach entail? What are "capabilities"? How does the capabilities approach help counter the weaknesses of a purely utilitarian approach?Discuss examples to illustrate.See Answer
  • Q13: What is an acceptable risk according to these groups? Outline the ways in which these groups have their own ways of thinking about what an acceptable risk lookslike. Consumers and government regulators might view risk in different ways, compared to the engineer. How are these perspectives unlike the engineer's perspective?See Answer
  • Q14: What is the difference between the two? What arethey supposed to help us do? Explain how fault tree and event tree analysis works. What are the limitations of these techniques?See Answer
  • Q15: What does each approach entail? What are "capabilities"? How does the capabilities approach help counter the weaknesses of a purely utilitarian approach?Discuss examples to illustrate. What does it mean to be legally liable? What factors have to be in place in order for a professional to be held "liable"? Why is this good for consumers? What is product liability? How can an engineer avoid legal liability?See Answer
  • Q16: In the context of risk assessment, what is "anchoring"? What are examples which demonstrate the way people are unwilling to change their minds about what isrisky? In daily life, people often overestimate or underestimate how risky a project/product really is. Discuss examples which show this kind of inaccurate assessment. What kinds of things are people the most wrong about?See Answer
  • Q17: There is no such thing as a project or product that is 100% safe. There are many factors which mean that there's always a chance something will go wrong. Why isthis the case? Explain how factors like time, money, aesthetics, physical limitations, human error,etc. lead to risk being ever-present.---See Answer
  • Q18: 1. Do these terms applied on Gillette campaign? Explain how? a. Inside-out strategy b. Green/blue washing c. Skepticism d. Expert/endorsed CSR communication process e. CRM (cause-related marketing) f. Conceptual model of ad skepticism (obermiller and spangenberg, 1998) (impactof CSR claim (vague vs. concrete), impact of Ad appeal (no image vs. image)supporting CSR claims)See Answer
  • Q19: 1. Many Volkswagen employees must have known of the defeat devices that created the Volkswagen Scandal. During this time, what were the ethical options for the employees? To complete this question, answer (i) and (ii) below: (i) List the stakeholders involved. (ii) Use the Utilitarian Model and one other ethics model you are familiar with to decide what to do. (Use the file Phantom Expenses under "business ethics" notes to help guide your answer). 2. We now know, the employees didn't come forward, they didn't blow the whistle. In your opinion, what should Volkswagen have done differently with the respect to this entire scandal/? Include a bibliography in your answer.See Answer
  • Q20: As it relates to engineering work, what is tight coupling? What is complexity? How do the two of these relate to each other? Why is it difficult to reduce both of them at once? (Hint: What happens when a system is made to be more complex?What happens when a system is made to be more tightly coupled?) Discuss examples to illustrate.See Answer

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