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  • Q1:2. Compare a stock insurer to a mutual insurer with respect to each of the following: a. Parties who legally own the company b. Right to assess policyholders additional premiums c. Right of policyholders to elect the board of directorsSee Answer
  • Q2:3. A luncheon speaker stated, "The number of life insurers has declined sharply during the past decade because of the increase in company mergers and acquisitions, demutualization of insurers, and formation of mutual holding companies." a. Why have mergers and acquisitions among insurers increased over time? b. What is the meaning of demutualization? c. Briefly explain the advantages of demutualization of a mutual life insurer. d. What is a mutual holding company? e. What are the advantages of a mutual holding company to an insurer?See Answer
  • Q3:4. A newspaper reporter wrote, "Lloyd's is an association that provides physical facilities and services to the members for selling insurance. The insurance is underwritten by various syndicates who belong to Lloyd's." Describe Lloyd's Corporation with respect to each of the following: a. Liability of individual members and corporations b. Types of insurance written c. Financial safeguards to protect insuredsSee Answer
  • Q4:5. Property and casualty insurance can be marketed under different marketing systems. Compare the independent agency system with the exclusive agency system with respect to each of the following: a. Number of insurers represented by the agent b. Ownership of policy expirationsSee Answer
  • Q5: Write the cash flow equivalence equationas a moment equation for Problem 4-15. (a) About Year 4 (b) About Year 5See Answer
  • Q6: Consider the following cash flow: Which of the equations below is correct to computethe present value of the cash flows at 8% interest? \text { A. } P=1000(P / A, i, 8)-150(P / G, i, 8)+ 150(P / G, i, 4)(P / F, i, 4) B. P= 400(P/A, i, 8) +600(P/A, i, 5) – 150(P/G, i, 4) C. P= 150(P/G, i, 4) + 850(P/A, i,4) + 400(P/A, i, 4)(P/F,i,4)See Answer
  • Q7: 9. Discuss what is the purpose of conducting the stratified random sampling?See Answer
  • Q8: Which statement below is incorrect? A. If the market is efficient, stocks respond immediately to the public releases of relevant news. B. Compared to the field experiment, it is easier for the lab experiment to control for the impact ofalternative theories. C. PACF captures the direct correlation while ACF captures both direct and indirect correlations. D. Short-selling is equivalent to borrowing money from the bank.See Answer
  • Q9: EJH Company is an all-equity firm that has a market capitalization of $1.3 billion and10 million shares outstanding. It plans to distribute $120 million excess cash through an open market repurchase. Assuming perfect capital markets: What will the price per share of EJH be right before the repurchase? How many shares will be repurchased? What will the price per share of EJH be right after the repurchase? Assume that EJH makes a surprise announcement by distributing $120 million excess cash through a special cash dividend instead of a share repurchase. What is the dividend per share and what is the stock price after the ex-dividend date?See Answer
  • Q10: Question 13: Below is a graph of policy interest rates. (a) All countries are expected to tighten rates in the future. (b) In 2017 and 2018, US, Canada and UK conducted contractionary monetary policy. (c) These policy rates are very short term interbank money market interest rates. (d) These policy rates are simple interest rates per annum. (e) Japan and the Euro area's economies are likely to be struggling the most.See Answer
  • Q11: Question 3 (total of 15 marks): Consider the below screenshot detailing market depth in theAustralian mining services company Intega's stock on 28 October 2019. Question 3a (1 mark): What is the bid-ask spread on the stock? Question 3b (1 mark): What is your best estimate of the 'true price' of this stock? Question 3c (1 mark): What is the best price that you could sell one stock for when placinga market order? Question 3d (2 mark): How much money could you buy 10,000 stock for using a marketorder? (Note that in this question you are buying, while in the previous question you wereselling). Question 3e (2 mark): What would be the implicit cost of buying these 10,000 shares usinga market order, given your 'true price' answered above? Question 3f (2 mark): Intega is a mining services company. If you thought there was goingto be a mining boom in the future, you might wish to buy some stock in the company beforeit rises. If you did this, what sort of trader would you be? Circle one option from thefollowing four in bold: Hedger,speculator, arbitrageuror market maker? Question 3g (2 mark): What sort of trader makes large profits from a wide bid-ask spread?Circle one option from the following four in bold: Hedger,speculator,arbitrageuror market maker? Question 3h (2 mark): If you bought one (1) of these stocks using a market order and thenimmediately sold it using a market order, what proportion of your money would bedestroyed by the implicit bid-ask spread transaction cost? Question 3i (2 mark): If you bought 10,000 of these stocks using a market order and thenimmediately sold them all using a market order, would a higher, lower or equal proportionbe destroyed by the implicit bid-ask spread transaction cost compared to the previousquestion where you were buying and selling just one stock? Just circle one option from thefollowing three in bold: Higher proportion,lower proportionor the same proportion.See Answer
  • Q12: Larsen Company manufactures car seats in its San Antonio plant. Each car seat passes through the assembly department and the testing department. This problemfocuses on the assembly department. The process-costing system at Larsen Company has a single direct-cost category (direct materials) and a single indirect-costcategory (conversion costs). Direct materials are added at the beginning of the process. Conversion costs are added evenly during the process. When the assemblydepartment finishes work on each car seat, it is immediately transferred to testing. Larsen Company uses the weighted-average method of process costing. Data for the assembly department for October 2017 are as follows: 1. For each cost category, compute equivalent units in the assembly department. Show physical units in the first column of your schedule. 2. What issues should the manager focus on when reviewing the equivalent units calculation? 3. For each cost category, summarize total assembly department costs for October 2017 and calculate the cost per equivalent unit. 4. Assign costs to units completed and transferred out and to units in ending work in process.See Answer
  • Q13: Question 5: Bitcoin and Libra are both: (a) Stablecoins. (b) Mine-able. (c) Trace-able. (d) Blockchain-based. (e) Centralised.See Answer
  • Q14: Question 2: Which of the following items is NOT a requirement of money?(a) Medium of exchange. (a) Medium of exchange. (b) Measure of value. (c) Store of value. (d) Appreciating investment. (e) Standard of deferred payment.See Answer
  • Q15: Question 5a (2 marks): Another word for non-investment grade bonds in the US is: Question 5b (2 marks): Investment grade debt has a credit rating greater than or equal to: AAA,АА+, АА, АA-, А+, А, А-, ввв+, Вв, "ВВ-, Bв*, в, вв-, В+, В, В-? Question 5c (1 marks): The European Sovereign Debt Crisis was caused by problems inwhich type of debt?Household, Corporate, Local government, or Federal government. Question 5d (2 marks): The US is unusual for having a large non-investment grade bondmarket. Most countries including China do not. If riskier firms cannot issue bonds in China,how can they borrow?See Answer
  • Q16: Question 2 (total of 15 marks): Your friend entered into some derivative contracts. She: Bought two 1 year CME American put options on gold at a strike price of $1300 perounce for a premium of $160 per ounce, then; Bought one 1 year CME futures contract on gold at a futures price of $1200 per ounce.The spot gold price is $1190 per ounce. Question 2a (11 marks): Draw the strategy on a graph below with profits on the y-axis andthe underlying gold price on the x-axis. Mark every detail possible on the graph, including the strike prices, breakeven points,maximum possible loss and the current level of the index. Question 2b (1 marks): What is or are the break-even (zero profit) point(s)? Question 2c (1 marks): What is the maximum possible loss on this option strategy? Question 2d (1 marks): What is the maximum possible profit on this option strategy? Question 2e (1 marks): Will your friend make a large profit if the underlying asset pricerises, falls, or stays the same?See Answer
  • Q17: Question 4: Crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin have had notoriously volatile prices."Stablecoins', on the other hand, such as the proposed Libra currency, should not have thisproblem, Stablecoins may therefore fulfil what function of money? (a) Medium of exchange. (b) Measure of value. (c) Store of value. (e) Standard of deferred payment.See Answer
  • Q18: Q4a. Compute excess returns for the market, i.e. market risk premium as R = Rm – Rrf,where Rm is the return on the All Ords computed in question 3, and Rrf represents the monthly return on the 30 day bank accepted bill rate. Also compute excess return for each wow and ANZ as follows Rwow = Rwow – Rrf and RåNZ = RANZ - Rrf. Use the 01/11/2010 -01/09/2020 time period. : Q4b. Obtain CAPM betas for both WOW and ANZ using excess returns by estimating the following regressions \begin{array}{c} R_{W O W}^{e}=\alpha_{W O W}+\beta_{W O W} R_{m}^{e}+u_{W O W} \\ R_{A N Z}^{e}=\alpha_{A N Z}+\beta_{A N Z} R_{m}^{e}+u_{A N Z} \end{array} where (u wow) and (u ANZ) are the random error terms of the regression models. Q4c. Present and comment on the two beta coefficients estimated in question 4b. What do they imply about the amounts of systematic risk? Note: provide final answer in 4 decimal places Q4d. Compute the expected returns for WOW and ANZ using the CAPM, i.e. \begin{aligned} E\left(R_{\text {IWOW }}\right) &=R_{r f}+\beta_{\text {Wow }}\left(E\left(R_{m}\right)-R_{r f}\right) \\ E\left(R_{A N Z}\right) &=R_{r f}+\beta_{A N Z}\left(E\left(R_{m}\right)-R_{r f}\right) \end{aligned} Where: • Rrf is the average of the monthly risk free rate computed in question 3 • E(Rm) is the average of the market return computed in question 3 Q4 e. Assume you buy one share of WOW and one share of ANZ on 1/01/2019 and sell the shares on 1/12/2019. Calculate your holding period return for the two shares. State the formula you use in your calculation. Comment and compare your results with part 4d above and state which share is over-valued and under-valued. Note: provide final answer in 4 decimal placesSee Answer
  • Q19: Question 20: Below is a graph showing traits of vulnerable listed firms in the US: Which of the following statements about the above graph is NOT correct? (a) The recession in 1992 was caused by the Savings and Loan crisis. (b) The recession in 2001 was caused by the Asian Currency Crisis. (c) The recession in 2008 was caused by the Global Financial Crisis. (d) The leverage ratio as measured by 'gross debt to assets' is likely to be a book debt tobook assets ratio, not a market value ratio. (e) Safe firms have low debt to assets ratios, high ROA and high EBITDA to interestexpense ratios.See Answer
  • Q20: Question 4ai (2 marks): What does the acronym 'NIM' stand for? Question 4aii (3 marks): What is the formula for how the NIM is calculated? Question 4b (4 marks): In 2005, profits were $10b and the ROE was 17%.In 2019, profits are $16b and the ROE is 12%. Calculate the increase in equity. Question 4ci (2 marks): hat are the units of 'Profits'?Billions of dollars, Billions of dollars per year, Years, or Years per billions of dollars Question 4cii (2 marks): What are the units of 'Return on equity percent'?Dollars,Dollars per year, Per year,Years,Pure number.See Answer

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