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  • Q1: 4. A carbonate rock layer was logged and found to have a porosity of 18%. The water resistivity is estimated to be 0.2 ohms-meters, and the true resistivity was measured to be 10 ohms-meters (assume m=n=2). (4 points) (a) What is the water saturation? (in fraction, two decimals) (b) What is the oil saturation? (in fraction, two decimals)See Answer
  • Q2: 1. From well log data you have found a potential limestone reservoir of 23 m of gross thickness. The average of RHOB density in the zone is 2300 Kg/m3, the true resistivity from DLL after environmental corrections is 1.5 ohm-m, water formation resistivity was found from SP measurements to be 0.025 ohm-m. The lecture of the sonic log is almost a constant value of 60 us/ft for the compressional wave, and 90 us/ft for the shear wave. From SCAL in core plugs, it was found that a=1.1, m=1.9, n=2.1. Calculate the following: (20 points) (a) Average (total) porosity in this reservoir (in fraction, two decimals) = (b) Average micro-porosity in this reservoir (in fraction, two decimals) (c) Average Sw (in fraction, two decimals) = (d) Average So (in fraction, two decimals) = (e) Average Bulk Modulus (in GPa, one decimal) = (f) Average Shear Modulus (in GPa, one decimal)= (g) Average Poisson ratio (one decimal)= (h) Is this a hard or soft rock? Why? Compare with what? (i) Average Hydrocarbon Pore Thickness (in m) G) Is this a pay zone if the cutoff of porosity and water saturation are 0.2 and 0.4 respectively?(yes or no)See Answer
  • Q3: 3. Using Figure 7.21 of your textbook, answer the following questions: (8 points) a. What are the zones A, B, C, and D indicating? b. The resistivity of the mud filtrated is higher, lower or equal to the resistivity of the formation? c. Would you use focusing electrode tools in this well? (yes or no) d. Why?See Answer
  • Q4: (a) At what depth the dot points are? 2. Using Figure 5.20 of your textbook, answer the following questions: (16 points) (b) What is the value of MSFL measurement at that depth? (c) What is the value of LLD measurement at that depth? (d) At this depth there is any mud invasion at that depth? (yes or no) (e) Why? (f) The resistivity of the mud filtrated is higher, lower or equal to the resistivity of the formation? Would you use induction tools in this well? (yes or no) (h) Why?See Answer
  • Q5: 5. Using Figure 23.3, answer the following questions: (12 points) (a) What does Rwa mean? (b) What does Rxo mean? (c) What does Rt mean? (d) According to the discussion of this figure in the textbook, what is the best use of Rxo/Rt? (e) What is the figure in the textbook showing the Hingle plot? (f) What does this Hingle plot used for? See Answer
  • Q6:You Can Access the video by clicking the link below. https://www.learner.org/series/earth-revealed/1-down-to-earth/ 1. What environmental conditions make life possible on earth? 2. What is the goal of the study of geology? 3. Describe earth's internal and external heat engines. 4. What new theory makes this an exciting time to study the earth? 5. What are the four natural resources mentioned in the film? 6. What is the main factor which leads to soil erosion? 7. How do geologists attempt to predict volcanic eruptions? 8. What earth process is more destructive than volcanoes and earthquakes? 9. Where are many of the earth's major population centers? 10. Why is geology the most important science?See Answer
  • Q7: Archaeology 101 OL Student Name: Student ID: Below is an account of Cache 86 from the Tikal North Acropolis. These are real archaeological data; the only modifications I have made are for clarity. These data are published in: ● Coe, William R. 1990 Tikal Report #14 Volume 2. Excavations in the Great Plaza, North Terrace and North Acropolis of Tikal. University Museum Monograph 61, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. ● Cache Richness Assignment ● Intersession 2023 In Maya archaeology, caches are defined as votive deposits (not storage pits) and are thought to represent either the aftermath of ritual behaviours, or ceremonial offerings, or both. The location of these deposits in a huge public structure, which is also used for elite burials, makes it extremely likely that all of these were deposited by elite members of society. Cache 86 dates to the Early Classic period (approximately AD 300 to AD 562 at Tikal). This is a time when Tikal is enjoying tremendous political power, with highly successful wars of conquest, and probably a long-distance political alliance with Teotihuacán, the central Mexican superpower. Political history (based on glyphs) suggests that Tikal underwent a dynastic change during the late AD 300s (probably around AD 379), and it has been suggested that the new ruler either comes from Teotihuacán or has ties to it. Cache 86 Data Tikal's North Acropolis is a major public structure, one of the largest in the city. This appears to have been a primary focus of ritual activity for more than 200 years, beginning shortly after the Entrada event of AD 378. The North Acropolis is the burial place for many royal burials and at least 200 ritual caches. Location: Structure 5D-23-1st, center base of stair. Repository cut through bottom step and charred Platform 5d-4: Floor 4, sealed by Floor 3. Content: 19 eccentric flints [chert is the more common name for this material in the Americas]; 15 eccentric obsidians; 4 used flint flakes; 6 obsidian flake-blade cores; ca. 900 obsidian flake-blades, flakes, and core fragments (including 1 spherical specimen); 1 jade bead; 2 shell figurines; shell: 1 Vasum muricatum; 1 Murex pomum [species now called Phyllonotus pomum]; 7 Pomacea flagellata snail shells; 1 Crocodylus sp. (entire curved skeleton); 1 headless turtle (possibly Dermatemys mawei); 3 snakes (Bothrops sp.); possible iguana vertebra in association with crocodile (digestive tract); 1 Balanza black cylinder with cover; inside: 1 jade bead; 1 Spondylus subspherical bead; 3 unmodified stingray spines; 4 bone imitation stingray spines; 1 jade and shell mosaic assemblage with plastered wooden base; perhaps a disintegrated sponge; specks of hematite throughout lower pit fill. Stratified deposit -- upper 1 Archaeology 101 OL Cache Richness Assignment layer: 8 flint eccentrics, 2 obsidian eccentrics, 5 chunks of cores, all other minor obsidian. All else on pit bottom. Locus 1: crocodile; Locus 2: tilted vessel; Locus 3: turtle; Locus 4: snakes; Locus 5: jade bead; Locus 6: eccentric flints (another obsidian); Locus 7: snails; Locus 8: sea shells. Intersession 2023 P. 426 "all but self-evident is that ca. 86 represents the burial of a crocodile accompanied by other reptiles (companions?), snails (sustenance?), and requisite paraphernalia (eccentrics, beads, etc.)." Sequential Position: Manik Ceramic Complex. Muul Offertory Assemblage. Early Classic. Lithics Using these data, answer the following questions: 1. Discuss these categories of material culture: lithics, shells (invertebrate fauna), and animal bones (vertebrate fauna); note that there are multiple forms of most of these categories. Where are the likely points of origin for each of these? Which materials indicate that Tikal was participating in a long-distance trade system? (15 points - 5 for each material category) (250 words for each category) 2 Archaeology 101 OL Shells Vertebrate Fauna Cache Richness Assignment 3 Intersession 2023 Archaeology 101 OL Cache Richness Assignment Intersession 2023 2. Cache 86 is described by the excavators as a crocodile burial. Could this cache and the materials within it symbolise a human burial or could this crocodile have been intentionally buried for some other reason? Why? (5 points) (250 words) 4 Archaeology 101 OL Cache Richness Assignment Intersession 2023 3. What is the significance of this deposit being situated in the North Acropolis, rather than another location? (5 points) (250 words) 5See Answer
  • Q8: ARCH 101 OL Student Name: Student ID: Assignment 1 Intersession 2023 Data, Stratigraphy, and Chronology Interpretation (Total 20 Points) Archaeological data are provided, including a stratigraphic profile, radiocarbon dates, and a list of the faunal remains and artifacts found within two of the numbered Features in the profile. Note that only scientific names are provided for most of the faunal remains, meaning you will need to look these up to find the common names and learn about the habitats of each important resource. Using these data, you are required to respond to several questions relating to chronology, site use and activity areas, social organization, and subsistence. Responses must be submitted on the response form provided; please be certain to list your name and student ID number on the form and as part of the file name when submitting. Responses should be made using bullet points whenever possible. For longer responses, the maximum word count for each question is indicated on the response form; it is not necessary to repeat the question in your response. Al writing tools are not acceptable for this assignment. 1 ARCH 101 OL Assignment 1 Intersession 2023 Chronology: Determine the length of occupation (4 points total) Several radiocarbon (14C) dates were obtained for this site, focusing on the uppermost and lowermost deposits within the stratigraphic sequence. Note: the radiocarbon (¹ªC) dates may not come from the same Features that you are asked to analyze or describe in other parts of this assignment, so look at all of the dates provided. Using these dates (error factors have been removed for clarity - consider these calibrated dates), answer the following questions: 1. When was the site first occupied? The radiocarbon date value is all that is required. (10 words) (1 point) 2. When does the site appear to have been permanently abandoned? The radiocarbon date value is all that is required. (10 words) (1 point) 2 ARCH 101 OL Assignment 1 3. Does the site occupation appear to be more-or-less continuous through time, or is there evidence for a break in occupation? (20 words) (1 point) 4. Why do you feel this is the case? (100 words) (1 point) Intersession 2023 3 ARCH 101 OL Feature 2 (F2) (200 words) Assignment 1 Site Use and Activity Areas (6 points total) 5. Describe the activity or activities associated with the following Features, discussing each Feature individually. What type(s) of activities do you think were occurring, based upon the materials recovered? (2 Features, 3 points each, 6 points total; bullet points are preferred). Feature 4/5 (F4/5) (200 words) Intersession 2023 4 ARCH 101 OL Assignment 1 Intersession 2023 Social Organization (5 points total) 6. Do the patterns in feature location suggest anything about the level of social organization that was present at this site? Would this be classified as a band, segmentary society, chiefdom, or state level society? Choose and list any one of these society types. (10 words) (2 points) 7. Why do feel that this is the case? (100 words) (3 points, bullet points preferred). 5See Answer
  • Q9:This question carries 15 points Please download the Excel file. It has GRACE-GRACE/FO water level change data for the UAE. Please find the linear regression model for this data, interpret the equation, and finally calculate the total water level decline for the UAE using the linear regression model. Each question below carries 10 points 1. Please explain how you can calculate the wavelength associated with 2500K, 4000K, and 6900 K temperatures. And what information can you extract from it related to the frequency of the wave at each temperature? 2. By using (0 << 1) can you identify what type of emitter it is, and please explain how you identified it? 3. During the barbecue, you noticed different temperatures: 100 °C, 125 °C, 150 °C, and 200° C. Please explain how you determined the number of radiations emitted by coal at each temperature. 4. The star constant of a star is 6.765 x 1030 W and a planet is located at a distance of 7x10¹3 meters. Please calculate the intensity of radiation received by the planet. Each question below carries 5 points 1. Please explain what happens to the intensity of radiations with the changing distance. 2. Please explain the different modes of energy transfer and what happens to the particles of the medium when they are transferring energy. 3. Please explain how the electric and magnetic components oscillate in electromagnetic waves. 4. Please differentiate between perihelion and aphelion. 5. Please explain how seasons are formed on our planet. 6. Please explain how different pressure belts are formed on our earth. 7. Please explain what causes the change in day length at different times of the year. 8. Please explain what causes the Coriolis Force. 9. Please explain why the sky is blue during normal days and appears reddish, especially at sunrise and sunset and on polluted days.See Answer
  • Q10:Data Table: Number of Lighted Squares As you count the squares (only count the squares with the dots in them), add the number of squares of each previous color in your data table: Green squares Blue + green squares Purple + blue + green squares Orange + purple + blue + green squares Black + orange + purple + blue + green squares Degree of Tilt Number of squares within the outline (your group) 0° (green) 10° (blue) 20° (purple) 30° (orange) 40° (black)See Answer
  • Q11:1. Which date will have the WARMEST MORNING T? (12 pt.) i) ii) iii)See Answer
  • Q12:2. Which date will have the COOLEST MORNING T? (12 pt.) i) ii) iii)See Answer
  • Q13:3. Which date will have the WARMEST AFTERNOON T? (12 pt.) i) ii) iii)See Answer
  • Q14:4. Which date will have the COOLEST AFTERNOON T? (12 pt.) i) ii) iii)See Answer
  • Q15:5. Discuss the type and general timing of any fronts that may pass. Explain how three weather variables have changed due to the frontal passage. (10 pt.) Cold Front/Warm Front (Underline) Date & Time of Passage (6 hr interval in local time format) (2 pt.) Variable #1: (2 pt.) Variable #2: (2 pt.) Variable #3: (2 pt.)See Answer
  • Q16:6. Underline ONE choice below and prove answer by comparing at least two early morning (06Z) variables to the same two afternoon (187) variables. If NONE, explain why not for ALL days. (6 pt.) Are any MAX temps for the date possible before sunrise (instead of afternoon)? (2 pt.) YES/NONE (2 pt.) (2 pt.) Comparison #1: Comparison #2: Date:See Answer
  • Q17:7. Underline ONE choice below and prove answer by comparing at least two evening variables (00Z - 06Z) to the same two morning (06Z - 12Z) variables. If NONE, explain why not for ALL days. (6 pt.) Are any MIN temps for the date possible after sunset (instead of morning)? (2 pt.) YES/NONE Date: (2 pt.) (2 pt.) Comparison #1: Comparison #2:See Answer
  • Q18:1. Which date will have the WARMEST MORNING T? (12 pt.) i) ii) iii)See Answer
  • Q19:iii) 2. Which date will have the COOLEST MORNING T? (12 pt.) i) ii)See Answer
  • Q20:iii) 3. Which date will have the WARMEST AFTERNOON T? (12 pt.) i) ii) iii)See Answer

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