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  • Q1:Question 1 a) Define JIT and Lean Manufacturing and contrast the similarities and differences between the two. Discuss why the Traditional approach is more intuitive and what approaches are needed to move toward a JIT scenario?See Answer
  • Q2:Question 1 b) Critically appraise five of the nine Just in Time (JIT) techniques e.g. reduction of set up time, TPM etc. highlighting what they are and how they would be implementedSee Answer
  • Q3:2. Calculate the volume of a rectangular prism with a width of 5 cm, a length of 7 cm, and a height of 2 cm.See Answer
  • Q4:3. Calculate the surface area of a box with a width of 6 mm, a length of 5 mm, and a height of 7 mm. See Answer
  • Q5:5. In a triangle labelled ∆ABC, ∠C = 90", A = 44", and AC = 27.3 cm. Calculate the length of BC. See Answer
  • Q6:6. In a triangle labelled ∆ABC,∠C = 90", AB = 17 mm, and BC = 15 mm. Calculate ∠A. See Answer
  • Q7:9. Given the following data: 35 67 56 78 56 67 82 73 67 72 82 67 85, find the: a) mean b) median c) mode See Answer
  • Q8:7. In a non-right-angled triangle labelled ∆PQR, ∠P = 124°, ∠R = 32", and p= 37.5 m. Calculate the length of r. See Answer
  • Q9:8. In a non-right-angled triangle labelled ∆PQR, p = 52.9 m, q = 10.4 m, and r = 47.6 m. Calculate the size of ∠R it to the nearest degree. See Answer
  • Q10:10.Using the formula C = Pi d, calculate the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 12.4 cm. See Answer
  • Q11:11.A cereal box is designed to hold a volume of 4096 cubic centimetres of cereal. What dimensions will minimize the cost of producing the box? See Answer
  • Q12:12. The average age of a university student was found to be 24 with a standard deviation of 2. What age group is within 2 standard deviations of the mean? See Answer
  • Q13:13. Given the following set of numbers, use the measures of central tendency to identify the type of distribution. Defend your answer. 70 67 75 60 67 65See Answer
  • Q14:14. Toss a coin 10 times and record how many times you tossed heads. a) What is your experimental probability of tossing heads? b) What is the theoretical probability of tossing heads? c) Compare the two probabilities and determine if you are considered to be "lucky" at tossing heads. See Answer
  • Q15:14. Toss a coin 10 times and record how many times you tossed heads. a) What is your experimental probability of tossing heads? b) What is the theoretical probability of tossing heads? c) Compare the two probabilities and determine if you are considered to be "lucky" at tossing heads. d) If you were to toss the coin 100 times, what would you expect the experimental probability of heads to be? Defend your answer. See Answer
  • Q16:2. In each of the following examples, identify the level of measurement used. a. Movie ratings of one star through five stars b. Number of bags of dog food used in a month c. Favorite type of music d. Monthly temperatures in my officeSee Answer
  • Q17:3. Researchers wanted to determine if there was an association between daily cantaloupe consumption and the occurrence of having an orange tongue. The researchers looked at 94,717 women and asked them to report their cantaloupe-eating habits. The researchers also determined which of the women had linguaurantius (a condition where your tongue is permanently orange). After their analysis, the researchers concluded that consumption of two or more servings of cantaloupe per day was associated with a reduction in linguaurantius. a. What type of observational study was this? b. What is the response variable? Is the variable quantitative or qualitative? c. What is the explanatory variable? Is the variable quantitative or qualitative? d. In their report, the researchers stated that "After adjusting for various demographic and lifestyle variables, daily consumption of two or more servings was associated with a 30% reduced prevalence of linguaurantius." Why was it important to adjust for these variables?See Answer
  • Q18:4. In each of the following examples, identify the sampling method used. a. Instructors are interested in knowing what eating techniques their students are utilizing. Rather than assessing all students, the researchers randomly select one specific class to comprise their sample. b. National Geographic collects data on its readers by asking them to fill out and send in a survey from the March issue. c. A psychologist is studying the sleep patterns of the 3960 students in her basement. She decides to start by asking a random sample of 30 students how many hours of sleep they get weekday nights. The psychologist assigns each student a number from 0001 to 3960 and uses a computer to randomly generate a list of 30 numbers to select the students for the sample.See Answer
  • Q19:5. My character in the classic Xbox game, Knights of the Old Republic, wants to create a new lightsaber. I have decided that the following attributes (and what percent of my decision they represent) will determine which crystal I choose: Cost (15%), Attack Modifier (32%), Damage (34%), Regeneration Force Points (19%). The following table lists the crystals I will consider, and their ratings (out of 10). Which crystal is the best fit for my character's lightsaber? Crystal Cost Rubat Damind Eralam Sapith -1 -2 -3 -4 Attack Modifier 1 4 5 5 Damage 1 1 5 7 Regeneration Force Points 3 2 0 0See Answer
  • Q20:6. The Ferguson Privacy Infiltration Bureau reported the percent of people in each US state who talk in their sleep for the year 2020. The following table gives the summaries for the percent of people who talk in their sleep: Count Minimum 5.2 50 Q1 14.3 Median 21.2 Q3 26.5 Maximum 34.5 Stan Dev 8.3 a. Calculate the lower and upper fences. b. Draw a boxplot. Be sure to show your five number summary on your boxplot. c. Describe the shape of your boxplot. d. The middle 50% of values are located where? e. Are there any outliers? f. Would you expect the mean to be roughly equal to, higher than, or lower than the median? Explain!See Answer

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