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  • Q1:Informative Speech Assignment An informative speech tells an audience about a significant issue, teaches an audience new information, introduces a new concept, or enhances an audience's understanding of a topic. Topic Selection: Consider your interests, your audience's interests, and available reference materials to select a topic that will engage your audience. The topic should center on a current, debatable social or political issue. In other words, your topic should concern a social, economic, cultural, or environmental problem we face as a global society today. Choose wisely, as this topic will also be the topic for your persuasive speech, and it may be chosen as a topic for a group presentation. Research: Your speech must be based on information obtained from at least three (3) current. reputable sources. Only one of your three sources may be a website. You must identify each source when you deliver your speech by providing an oral citation. You must also identify each source in your speech outline where appropriate. A full bibliographic citation of each source must be provided on a works cited page that you will submit along with the rest of your speech materials. An adequate source citation in a bibliography includes the name of the publication, its author, the date it was published, and the volume, issue and page numbers where your source can be found. Citations for Internet sources should include the name of the webpage or author and the specific web address. Your references page must conform to APA. MLA, or Chicago guidelines.¹See Answer
  • Q2:Persuasive Speech Assignment For this assignment your will organize, prepare, and deliver a speech that takes a persuasive stance on some aspect of the topic that you used in your informative speech. You are expected to continue your outside research on this topic, identify and analyze a target audience, utilize both preparation and speaking outlines, and create an effective PowerPoint presentation to aid in the extemporaneous delivery of this speech. See Answer
  • Q3:Thinking about this Assignment & Assignment Description The "informative speech" is a standard classroom speech assignment. It is a useful assignment for introducing students to using research and sources, especially multiple sources of information; for choosing relevant information and for organizing it effectively in the format of a speech; and for adapting information to one's audience and their levels of familiarity and involvement with the topic.See Answer
  • Q4:Need to write the speech in 500-600 words on the topic: "travel brings new experiences" See Answer
  • Q5:Need to write a persuasive speech. The attached Document is the outline which has to be filled. Topic: Grades do not define education Need the speech to be emotional, attention grabbing, like a story. Listener should be able to create a visual image through the speech Not more then 6-8 minSee Answer
  • Q6:3-4 min long speech using AIDA model on The Need to Practice. See Answer
  • Q7:Need to write a speech in 500 words Regarding - Inspirational message to my fellow grads in primary school.. Make it little bit more professional, light and engaging Add some jokes to make it light heartedSee Answer
  • Q8:Need an Informative Speech Topic - why hospice is beneficial (you must cite at least three sources) You will need to formally cite the sources in your outline, out loud during your speech, and on a Works Cited page. Remember that your Works Cited page must follow specific MLA formatting requirements, and therefore must be submitted as a file upload. For this assignment, deliver a 5-7 minute speech, making sure it meets the requirements under "Topic Selection" to the right. No matter what your topic, it will require at least three quality sources. Each of these sources needs to be cited orally during your speech. You also need to make sure your sources are included on your works cited page. 1.) What is the Specific Purpose of your topic? Be sure to use proper form, including "To Inform." 2.) What is the Thesis Statement of your topic? 3.) How will you connect your preferred topic to your audience? 4.) What pattern of organization might best fit your preferred topic? Why? 5.) What questions do you have about how best to succeed with your preferred topic? See Answer
  • Q9:Introduction Speech The purpose of this speech is to tell the class a little bit about yourself by answering a famous question: Who would you invite to your ideal dinner party? The dinner part question can be traced back to ancient Greece and has been answered in many forms: in interviews, during small talk conversations, Bon Appétit Magazine ends each issue with a celebrity revealing their answer, and Judy Chicago's most well-known installation "The Dinner Party" is a physical manifestation of her response. You will introduce yourself to the class by painting a picture of your ideal dinner party. Each speech should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. We will discuss how to structure introductions and conclusions during class two. Each speech should be between 3:00- 3:30 minutes in length. This will also be your first opportunity to put the elements of delivery that we will discuss in class into practice.See Answer
  • Q10:An informative speech provides information about a specific subject to an audience. See Answer
  • Q11:You will be assigned an episode of either Ugly Delicious (on Netflix) Season 1 BBQ Episode. You'll watch your episode, during which you should take notes on the moments that stand out to you. After, you'll write a written response that answers the following questions: - What was/were the main point(s) of the episode? - What food items were discussed in the episode? What cultural and social contexts surrounded the food discussed? - Was there a singular understanding of the food featured or were there multiple perspectives? Did these perspectives align? How were they different? How did the multiple perspectives influence how you understand the content? - What examples stood out to you? What language choices? What made these elements stand out?See Answer
  • Q12:Write three notes (you can bullet point them) for each article below about theories from that reading/listening material in your own words. You cannot just write book definitions or examples directly from the material. Instead, you can: 1) Write a definition in your own word 2) Provide an example of a concept or theory 3) Connect a theory or concept to something else we've learned in class or something you've experienced in your everyday life https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2016/04/09/472568085/why-hunting-down-authentic-et hnic-food-is-a-loaded-proposition https://www.vice.com/en/article/889vvv/when-it-comes-to-a-recipe-whats-in-a-name https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/08/31/childhood-friends-called-my -food-chinese-grossness-how-did-it-become-americas-hottest-food-trend/ See Answer
  • Q13:Writing an outline Explanation on Americano Cocktail (Behind the scenes look of a particular dish or process, i.e. the Halloween Peeps,...) See Answer
  • Q14:The Situation The Prosper Tow Council is considering a complete ban on all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). Supporters of the ban cite environmental and safety concerns while those opposed to the ban are concerned about the loss of economic and recreational opportunities. In deciding whether to accept or reject the ban, the Prosper Town Council and the County of Prosper have invited concerned individuals to make their views known. You are Taylor Martin, a recent graduate of Prosper High School. You have considered information and opinions from a variety of sources (see pages 2 and 3). After considering the advantages and disadvantages of the proposal, you have reached a decision. You now need to write a persuasive speech or letter that clearly develops your position. The Assignment Write a speech or letter that will persuade the Town of Prosper either to ACCEPT or to REJECT a ban on all-terrain vehicles (ATVs).See Answer
  • Q15:The speech is taken from the movie, Patch Adams. The speech can be found on You tube. The link is below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6bEqSlluZ8See Answer
  • Q16:Write a speech or letter that will persuade the Town of Prosper either to ACCEPT or to REJECT a ban on all-terrain vehicles (ATVs).See Answer
  • Q17:Background and experience in the hospitality industry in Saudi Arabia. Can you tell us about your journey in the hospitality industry? How long have you been working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? What do you believe sets Saudi hospitality apart from other countries in the region? What has been your greatest accomplishment in your career in Saudi Arabia so far? What is the biggest challenge you faced during your tenure as GM of The Ritz-Carlton Riyadh and Jeddah?See Answer
  • Q18:Management approach and strategies for streamlining the operations of The Ritz-Carlton Riyadh and Jeddah. What strategies have you implemented to improve the financial performance of both hotels? How do you prioritize and allocate resources for both properties? Can you give an example of how you have streamlined operations in one of the hotels? How do you measure the success of your management strategies? What kind of approach do you take when dealing with unexpected challenges in the hotels' operations? What steps have you taken to promote Saudisation in the hotels? Can you tell us about the partnerships you have established with organizations and associations to provide job opportunities for Saudis? What kind of roles are you focusing on filling with Saudi nationals? How do you ensure that Saudi employees have the necessary skills and training to excel in their roles? How do you balance the need to promote Saudisation with the need to maintain high standards of service and quality in the hotels? See Answer
  • Q19:Launching of global Saudi tourism and vision for the future of KSA hospitality. What do you believe has been the key driver for the growth of Saudi tourism in recent years? What kind of experiences and services do you believe will be important for the future of Saudi tourism? What steps do you believe the Saudi government and private sector should take to further promote and develop the tourism industry? What kind of impact do you hope to have on the future of KSA hospitality through your work at The Ritz-Carlton? See Answer
  • Q20:Participation in MiSK 2030's Leadership program Can you tell us about your experience in the MiSK 2030 Leadership program? What kind of skills and mindset do you feel the program has equipped you with? Is there anything that you took from the program and started applying to your work? How do you see the MiSK 2030 Leadership program helping to develop leaders in Saudi Arabia? See Answer

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