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  • Q1: 7. Answer the following questions. [10 pt] а. A solid sphere of mass 2 kg and radius 30 cm rolls down an incline without slipping. If the incline is 5 m high, how fast is the ball going at the bottom? b. A 500 g hoop with diameter 1.2 m is rolled down the same hill. If it too rolls without slipping, how fast is the hoop going at the bottom of the hill? c.Show that if the moment of inertia is given by I = CMR² , where c is a factor dependent on the shape of the object, that the acceleration down the incline is given by a=\left(\frac{1}{1+c}\right) g \sin \theta d. List two additional shapes with similarly formatted moments of inertia that could be rolled down the same hill. Rank all four (your two shapes, the sphere, and the hoop) in order of smallest to largest acceleration.See Answer
  • Q2: A homogeneous slender bar AB of mass m and length L is released from rest in the position shown in figure below. Assuming that the horizontal plane is friction less. Determine the 1. acceleration of end A 2. the reaction at A 3. the angular acceleration of the bar immediately after the release. 4. Which of the following statements about the problem is true? - The bar rotates about point A The bar's center of gravity goes straight downwards • The end B does not have any acceleration See Answer
  • Q3: A counter flow double-pipe heat exchanger with A, = 9.0 m2 is used for cooling a liquid stream(Cp = 3.15 kJ/kgK) at a rate of 10.0 kg/s with an inlet temperature of 90°C. The coolant (cp =4.2 kJ/kgK) enters the heat exchanger at a rate of 8.0 kg/s with an inlet temperature of 10°C.The plant data gave the following equation for the overall heat transfer coefficient in W/m²K:U = 600/ (1/m0.8 +2/m.8),where me and m, are the cold-and-hot-stream flow rates in kg/s, respectively. (a) Calculate the rate of heat transfer and the outlet stream temperatures of for this unit. (b) The existing unit is to be replaced. A vendor is offering a very attractive discount on two5 m2.identical heat exchangers that are presently stocked in its warehouse, each with As = 5 m²Because the tube diameters in the existing and new units are the same, the above heat transfer coefficient equation is expected to be valid for the new units as well. The vendor is proposing that the two new units could be operated in parallel, such that each unit would process exactly one-half the flow rate of each of the hot and cold streams in a counter-flow manner; hence,they together would meet (or exceed) the present plant heat duty. Give your recommendation,with supporting calculations, on this replacement proposal.See Answer
  • Q4: 10.4 The yield stress of a sample of brass with a large grain size was 20 MN m. The yield stress of an otherwise identical sample with a grain size of 4 pm was 120 MN m^-2. Why did the yield stress increase in this way? What is the value of ß in Equation (10.5) for the brass?See Answer
  • Q5: Air is compressed by an adiabatic compressor from 27 °C and 95 kPa to 277 °C and 600 kPa.Determine the isentropic efficiency of the compressor and the exit temperature of air for the isentropic case. Assume constant air properties evaluated at room temperature.See Answer
  • Q6: d. The work required to initiate tensile failure in a cubic metre of annealed copper 8.2 Using the plot of nominal stress against nominal strain from Example 8.1, find: a. The tensile strength of copper b. The strain at which tensile failure commences C. The percentage reduction in cross-sectional area at this strainSee Answer
  • Q7: . What does an MMC, LMC, and RFS stand for? What are the symbols? Provide an example of each by creating a quick and simple feature. [10 pts.]See Answer
  • Q8: (1c). (3p) The saturated liquid line and the saturated vapor line intersect in a (A). Triple point. (B). Critical point. (C). Superheated point. (D). It depends in whether a P-v diagramor a T-v diagram is considered. (E). These two lines never intersect.See Answer
  • Q9: (la). (3p) Please circle the item(s) which can be considered as pure substance(s) in Thermodynamics: (A). Pure liquid water (B). Mixture of liquid water and ice (C). Air (Mixture of N2 and O2) at room temperature and atmosphere pressure (D). Mixture of water and large amount of soil (E). Mixture of water and minor amount of salt (C). Air (Mixture of N2 and O2) at room temperature and atmosphere pressure (D). Mixture of water and large amount of soil (E). Mixture of water and minor amount of saltSee Answer
  • Q10: (1f). (3p) The quality of superheated water vapor is (B) Greater than 1; (C) Can not be decided based on given information; (D) Does not exist;See Answer
  • Q11: (2a). (4p) Find the saturated pressure of R-134a at 44 °C. (2b). (4p) Find the saturated temperature of H2O at 812 kPa (2c). (6p) Find the specific internal energy of the superheated H2O vapor at 98 bar and 354 °C. (2d). (4p) H2O at 2.0 MPa and 420°C. (2e). (4p) H2O of specific internal energy 2.5 MJ / kg at 0.5 MPa. (2f). (6p) R-134a of specific volume 0.45 m³/ kg at 0.4 MPa.See Answer
  • Q12: Saturated steam is present in a closed tank at 10 bar pressure. a) What is the temperature of the steam? b) If this steam is completely condensed at the same conditions, what is the change of theinternal energy for this process? (10 pts) c) What is the work done by the system for this process? CSee Answer
  • Q13: 1. A bearing with a step slider as shown below uses dry air at 15 degrees Celsius as the lubricating fluid. It has dimensions h1= 1 mm, h2=D0.5 mm, 1=20 cm, 12=30 cm. What speed does the bearing need to move at to support 4 kilograms? See Answer
  • Q14: 3. A 5 micron diameter glass sphere is moving at a rate of 200 microns per second in the x-direction. How fast is the fluid moving at the same x-position, but 4 diameters away in the y-axis.See Answer
  • Q15: 4. A journal bearing supporting a shaft load of 121 kilograms has 100 microns of eccentricity. If the torque required to spin the shaft is 0.24 Newton-meter, how much torque does the sleeve experience? b. What is the radius of the journal bearing if the average gap height is 200 microns, the rotation rate is 50 rad/s, and viscosity of 0.1 Pa*s?See Answer
  • Q16: (1g). (3p) Which one is invalid among the following statements regarding ideal gas? (A) The compressibility factor of ideal gas is equal to 1 (B) A substance can be considered as ideal gas if its compressibility factor is around 1 (>0.95) (C) Ideal gas is a vapor that is around (close to) saturated vapor line (D) Ideal gas is a specific vapor that is far from saturated vapor line (E) For ideal gas, the specific internal energy, specific enthalpy, and specific heat at constant pressure, specific heat at constant volume and specific heat ratio are functions of T onlySee Answer
  • Q17: Calculate the declination angles on: 1. September 22 (Beginning of fall) (Points5) 2. December 22 (Beginning of winter)(Points 5)See Answer
  • Q18: a) In all tables in our textbook, the values for specific enthalpies energies are labeled as "given versus reference state". On the other hand, the values for the specific volumes are not given versus reference state. Explain (5 pts) b) Using super heated steam as an example show that the influence of the temperature to the internal energy is higher than the influence of the pressure. (10 pts)See Answer
  • Q19: (le). (3p) Please circle a valid statement(s) about super heated vapor with temperature T and pressure P: (А). Р> Р.sat@ T (В). Т >Т,sat@P (C). v> ve, (specific volume)8 @T (D). u <u,@r (specific internal energy) (E). h>h,er (specific enthalpy)8 @TSee Answer
  • Q20: Super heated steam at 20 bar and 350°C (stream saturated steam at the pressure of 5 bar (stream 2). The resulting stream is another superheated steam at a pressure of 10 bar and temperature of 270°C (stream 3). Amount of heat added to this process is 3 kW (be careful to unit conversion).with the flow of 1000 kg/h is mixed with a) Draw and label the flowchart of this process b) Calculate mass flowrates of stream 2 and stream 3 (See Answer

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